Thursday, August 11, 2011

Labor of Love

You know how a lot of my posts lately have been about birthdays... WELLLLLLLLLL...  this one is no different. 

Today I witnessed what I consider to be God's most amazing work.  I witnessed the birth of my beautiful niece... Stella June Barrett!  I have never witnessed a birth, unless you consider watching Courtney Kardashian give birth on TV witnessing.  You see, I had a C-Section with my own beautiful little miracle so I haven't actually seen nature at its finest.  It was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Shena started having contractions at about 2 pm yesterday and even progressed to a contraction every 7 minutes or so but by midnight the contractions had slowed drastically and by the time she got to the hospital for her induction they were only coming every 15 minutes or so.  She was induced at about 10 o'clock this morning and by 3:30 pm she was ready to push.  Fast right!  At 5:28 pm Stella June made her grand entrance.  We were all crying, yes this includes my usually stoic sister.  She was 6 pounds 3 ounces, 18 and 1/4 inches long, and absolutely perfect.  I now have a better understanding of the phrase... Labor of Love.  There is no better reason to be in that much pain for that long.  So with all of that said, I will let the pictures speak for themselves:

It was beautiful, frustrating, painful (to watch), thrilling, and if you asked my sister, worth every single second.  It made me want to do it all over again... ok not really, but kinda:)


  1. what a cutie, she's a tiny her name. congrat to you and your family on the newest member.....

  2. Really nice blog! And great post. My daughter had a baby girl in June so I can certainly relate! Congratulations!

  3. Oh goodness she's cute. Congratulations Auntie Traci:)
