Thursday, June 28, 2012

Craft Wars Part II: The Rest of the Story

Ok, So I left you on Wednesday when we got to L.A.  It is actually really hard for me to sum up this experience.  I have some SERIOUSLY mixed feelings.  I can't exactly tell you ALL that went on because of contract agreements but I can sum it up:)  The day of shooting started early.  Yes... we did our own hair and makeup haha.  Everyone keeps asking me that.  We got into the studio and started right away.  Photos, and intros were first.  I still can't quite figure out how to make a "bad ass" face but I sure tried.  That's where this photo came from:

After that, everything went REALLY fast.  No breaks at all.  Just craft craft craft.  We didn't really meet the judges or Tori before hand, so on top of crafting at warp speed we still had to try and impress them.  

Now for the question everyone wants to know... What was Tori like?  To be honest with you, the conversations you saw on the show were the extent of the conversations we had.  We were so busy crafting there wasn't exactly time to chat.  So that's it... Just a quick interview with her while I was making my bag and then... "pack up your glue gun" haha.  (That was my favorite quote of the show.)  She did say that she thought the T on the bag was for Tori until she realized my name was Traci... If I had been thinking quick enough I would have said it was:)  

Truth be told there were only 2 sewing machines and when both broke down I had a decision to make.  I thought that having a finished bag was most important so that's what I went for. After seeing the other 2 girl's bags, I have to say, they are both FAR better seamstresses then me.  I mean, if they had put an old table in front of me and asked me to fix it up I would have rocked it.  But that wasn't the challenge and I brought what I thought was the best of my abilities given the circumstances.

  Because I knew my sewing skills were lacking I tried to make up for it in creativity.  I thought it would be cool to make a bag entirely out of the challenge materials and nothing from the craft closet.  The only thing I took out of the craft closet was the draw string. The top of the bag was the cheer skirt, the bottom of the bag was the cheer shirt, the front pocket was out of a karate shirt, the two pockets on the side were ballet slippers, and of course, the infamous tennis racket bottom.  I had to rely on creativity.  If Cheryl's bag had been finished it would have been AMAZING you guys, seriously, a designer bag.  Mine would have stood no chance.  So, that is why I don't feel too bad.  In my opinion the best seamstress won, and she is totally deserving.  She is super fun and totally crafty.  We have actually remained friends and I hope we get to hang out in the near future... who knows, maybe she will take some of her winnings and visit me here in Colorado!;)

Anyway, that's it.  Once I was voted off P.J. gave me a HUGE hug and we left the studio.  I didn't cry or anything (which is totally not like me).  A part of me was even relieved.  I spent the rest of the day touring Hollywood and hitting the bars with my old man.  It is so cool that my dad and I had this experience together.  We really bonded and have had tons of jokes about it since.  

So, moral of this story... step away from the glue gun!

I watched it with a few of my closest friends and we had some great laughs.  We kept pausing it on my ridiculous faces... this is by far my favorite picture of this entire experience.  It pretty much says it all!  

Happy crafting everyone.



  1. You have such a great attitude. Hey, your bag didn't win, but you were the cutest contestant!

  2. I missed the episode! But I've loved hearing about it from you and I watched the video you posted yesterday, along with the commercials for it. Is there anyway to see it somewhere else?

    1. I can't seem to find it yet. I have looked on Hulu, YouTube, and TLC. I am hoping it will be up later so I can share.

  3. Well, what can I say. I was bummed for you. AS far as tv goes, I was able to get my friend/client a gig on a cooking segment on our local news. When we were done, we walked out into the parking lot and looked at each other and say 'Whoa. What the hell was that.' No practice, no run through, just zippity do da day like we do that all the time. NOT. you were fantastic and it was a ton of fun to see you on TV and get to hear your voice. I thought under the circumstances, the three of you did fantastic.

    1. Oh yeah, I definitely had that WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED moment. But now looking back at it, it was really cool. Thanks!

  4. Fantastic! I didn't get to see it yet either, and I've been looking online too. Definitely post it if you find it. Even though I know the ending, I still want to see! :) Congrats on a totally unique experience!

    1. I will definitely keep you posted. Hopefully it comes up soon!

  5. Traci, I also can't find full video yet, but I did find this recap that has still pictures of all the projects. I didn't know if you had seen it yet. Here's the link.

    I had trouble cutting and pasting the link. If it doesn't work, google She Knows Craft Wars

    1. I did randomly run into that too! In my blog I have had an increase in traffic and when I look at the traffic sources that sight came up. So did which is funny cause it is about our craft fails... too funny. I think I am the only one that voted though haha.

  6. What were they thinking -- 2 sewing machines for 3 contestants in a timed competition??!!

    I still like the tennis racket concept. My son Tim was on the tennis team in high school. Stinky, stinky socks!!! EEEeeeww! A ventilated bag may have helped! (And who would put 2 basketballs in a gym bag?! Seriously!)

    Love your positive attitude, and so cool that you and P.J. have become friends.
