Monday, March 26, 2012

Have a Seat, Stay Awhile!

I am on this use-everything-up-because-my-house-is-bursting-at-the-seems kick lately.  With all of the leftover black paint I had sitting around I figured there was no need to go to the store and buy more random colors.  I have even banned myself from going to the Goodwill until I have redone all of the furniture I have in the garage.  I think that has been the hardest part!!  So, my hoard is thinning and this makes me very happy.  As I have mentioned in the past, I seem to collect A LOT of crappy chairs.  I don't know why I do this, it is a problem I am working on:)  Well, I had these 4 chairs around my table at one point, and then one broke.  After it broke I tossed it in the trash and moved the other 3 into the garage so they could be with their friends.  ( I hate to see my chairs lonely.)

I was just about to say forget it and trash them all when I decided that would be silly... chairs don't just grow on trees ya know!  I thought, I have a crap ton of chairs, and a crap ton of black paint.  Put them together and this is what you get!

So glad I didn't just throw them away:)  They just look so darn cute at The Dented Lampshade!

P.S. how freakin funny is this picture!!??

HOLY STATIC ELECTRICITY BATMAN!!!  hahahahaha.  Love that girl:)


  1. Those type of chairs seem to be everywhere! I have three, situated throughout my house, haha. Twice lately I've seen some curbside furniture and had to tell myself NO! because I have so much already. :)

  2. I like the black with the wood coming through -- nice redo! I love when projects are that easy. :)

  3. The chairs turned out great! And I LOVE that picture of Luci!! Too funny!
